Indian pharma market growth at 9.8% in December 2018 to Rs.11,122 cr; full year 2018 IPM reaches at Rs.1,17,878 cr

Indian Pharmaceutical Market (IPM) has registered strong growth of 9.8% during the month of December 2018 to Rs.11,122 crore on account of higher volumes. Multinational companies achieved growth of 9% and Indian companies achieved growth of 10%. According to AIOCD AWACS report, IPM registered better growth of 9.4% during 2018 as compared to 2017 and touched to Rs.1,17,878 crore. Anti-diabetes, cardiovascular, respiratory and derma categories have closed the year 2018 with double digit growths on MAT basis.
During December 2018, the volumes of GDs remained at 2.6% and price increase of 4.7%. FDC related market showed negative growth of 49.8% while the Non FDC market showed a growth of 9.3%. The single molecules grew at 11%. Price component of GD for the FDCs was at 2.3%, other GDs in terms of volumes were at negative 52.1% while new products were at negative 0.1%.
From the therapy perspective 19 therapies have shown a positive growth. Anti-infectives achieved a growth of 5% during December 2018. However, the growth of Respiratory segment declined by 2.7%. Dermatology moved up faster and registered growth of 10.5%. Gastro intestinal grab a double digit growth of 10.4% while vitamins achieved growth of 8.7%. In the chronic therapies anti-diabetic and Cardio segment notched up growth of 16.9% 16.5% respectively.
Among the top 50 corporates, 46 have registered positive growth of IPM and among the top 10 companies, Torrent has the highest growth of 22.8% followed by Lupin at 16.4% and Intas at 14.4%. Abbott HC achieved growth of 5.8% and Abbott India grab strong growth of 20.8%. Sun Portfolio has shown a growth of 9.6%, while Ranbaxy has slowed down to 7.7% during December 2018. Emcure achieved double digit growth of 11.2% and Zuventus marked growth of 9.7%. Total eight companies were launched in last 36 months and out of this 2 companies registered revenues above Rs.10 crore.
Among the top 60 MNCs, Boehringer Inglhem is the fastest growing at 39% followed by Bayer Zudus growing at 32% and Astra Zeneca at 19.2%. In the Non-NLEM category Indian companies showed a growth of 10% to Rs.8,882 crore whereas MNCs grew at 9.3% to Rs.2241 crore. The NLEM 2013 containing molecules market showed growth at 6.9% whereas the non NLEM market grew at 9.9% resulting in an overall growth of 9.8% for the month of Dec-2018.
The overall 31 regions have posted positive growth during December 2018. Telangana market grew by the highest growth at 17.8% followed by Kerala growing at 15.3% and North Karnataka moved up by 14.7%.
Amoxycillin plus clavulanic acid market has shown a single digit growth of 8.1% to Rs.176.8 crore during December 2018, while Glimepiride plus metformin market went up by 13.8% to Rs.195.4 crore. Azilsartan plain market is now valued at Rs.72.4 crore on MAT basis. Sofosbuvir and its combination market has reached at Rs.749.2 crore. The market for Luliconazole reached at Rs.381 crore and that of Tenegliptin and its combinations are valued at Rs.845.2 crore. The Paracetamol plan market improved by 9.1% on monthly basis Probiotic microbes moved up by double digit by 17.6%., pantoprazole plan improved by 12.4%, montelukast plus levocetrizine up by 5.7%.
Among the brands, Mixtard has posted monthly sales worth Rs.47 crore and followed by Glycomet GP reached at Rs.39 crore, Lantus at Rs.43 crore & Galvus Met at Rs.30 crore and Liv 52 at Rs.31 crore, Janumet 41 crore and Augmentin at Rs.33 crore during December 2018. Total 62 new brands were launched in last 24 months in the Luliconazole segment and these new launches are worth Rs.131.83 crore. Further, 71 brands were launched in last 24 months in Itraconazole and valued at Rs.151 crore on MAT basis. Within the VMS category there have been 7 brands launched in December 2018 and in the cardiac segment 6 brands were launched.