Globally renowned Hair Transplant & Cosmetic Surgeon to address on Cosmetic Surgery Industry in India – Achi Din kya Aayenge? !

Age is no barrier when it comes to beauty. and whether you blame it on people living longer or being more looks-conscious, more female senior citizens are going under the knife. Trends are changing all over the world including India and everyone wants to look their best irrespective of their age. With a plethora of safe and effective anti-ageing treatments available, more women above 65 are open to doing these treatments. This trend is seen in India as well. Because the woman of 65 years of yesteryear is equivalent to a 45-year-old of this generation. Over 20 per cent of our patients are above the age of 65. They commonly want anti-ageing treatments like Botox, fillers, thread lifts, skin tightening with HIFU, Ulthera, lasers which would reverse the signs of ageing, and give them a natural appearance. Some of them are also willing to go for liposuction, body contouring, tummy tuck, breast and butt augmentation
In India, we tend to get deceived by false & misrepresented advertisement where we see in full page glorification of the successful Hair Transplant or Plastic Surgery by doctors who have very few knowledge about the profession. To expose these fake/quack doctors, celebrated & India’s most respected Globally renowned Hair Transplant & Cosmetic Surgeon Dr Manoj Khannanna, Founder and Chairman, Enhance Aesthetic and Cosmetic Studio Enhance Clinics will make a powerful & impactful talk on Cosmetic Surgery Industry in India – Achi Din kya Aayenge? . Get ready to hear what you have not known so far at Pharmaleaders 9th Annual Pharmaceutical Leadership Summit 2016 at PharmaLeaders Power Brand #PharmaLeaders